A few days ago I was scrolling through Facebook, putting off all the other things I should have been doing, when an advert popped up from a 'legitimate company', offering a not-to-be missed opportunity to straighten your teeth in the comfort of your own home. No pesky dentist, no messy impressions, no fuss, simply order a one-size-fits-all appliance that would have your teeth straight within weeks.
On further investigation the 'appliance' turned out to be a cheap sports guard type device. This was to be worn at night, and within days your teeth would magically begin to straighten.
A glutton for punishment, I went straight to the comments.
One young man asked "How much is this please? I've been quoted over £2000 to just have 6 teeth at the top and 6 teeth at the bottom straightened!"
A lady thoroughly recommended the device. "I got these and could feel my teeth moving within 2 days, I swear!". Another user asked her how much she paid for it....
"Only £32.52!" was the delighted response.
Now..... moving teeth into alignment is really quite complex. Thankfully our jaws are fairly good at holding our teeth in position, so moving them is rather tricky. It requires careful assessment and planning with patients to work out which treatment is best for them and their lifestyle and ensure that there are no existing issues that need attention before considering orthodontics.
This is why it is important to leave dentistry to the professionals. At best, a device that costs £32.52 will do absolutely nothing to your teeth and leave you with a bit of a hole in your pocket. At worst, it could cause actual damage to your mouth, that will end up costing you a lot of money and stress to correct.
Do your research, ask us questions. We would rather spend time with you and discuss your options than have you come to us with a serious issue as the result of an online scam.
Why don't you come and have a chat with us? To book a FREE assessment call our Reception Team on 028 9266 3022, or email info@bachelorswalk.co.uk
Why don't you come and have a chat with us? To book a FREE assessment call our Reception Team on 028 9266 3022, or email info@bachelorswalk.co.uk
The BWD Team
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