A few days ago I was scrolling through Facebook, putting off all the other things I should have been doing, when an advert popped up from a 'legitimate company', offering a not-to-be missed opportunity to straighten your teeth in the comfort of your own home. No pesky dentist, no messy impressions, no fuss, simply order a one-size-fits-all appliance that would have your teeth straight within weeks. On further investigation the 'appliance' turned out to be a cheap sports guard type device. This was to be worn at night, and within days your teeth would magically begin to straighten. A glutton for punishment, I went straight to the comments. One young man asked "How much is this please? I've been quoted over £2000 to just have 6 teeth at the top and 6 teeth at the bottom straightened!" A lady thoroughly recommended the device. "I got these and could feel my teeth moving within 2 days, I swear!". Another user a...